Despite much fanfare about leaving Canada, we have actually taken not just one, but TWO trips back to the homeland since arriving late August! This back-and-forthing has made for entertaining discussions with border guards but also facilitated some duty-free stocking of our new liquor cabinet on board.

8 hours of driving…each way
Our first Canadian Vacation was for our shakedown cruise on TARA to Erieau, Ontario (see Mark’s post on that trip) and the second was our whirling 1200km, 2-day roadtrip to see my Nana in Owen Sound, Ontario. Our driving route took us parallel to what our sailing route will be for the first few days (Mentor, OH through Erie, PA to Buffalo, NY), as well as up through wine country in Ontario (FUN FACT – did you know Don Cherry has a restaurant in St Catherines? I didn’t!).
It was really lovely to see my Nana before we head off on our big adventure, and I’m very grateful to Mark (for doing most of the driving) and his parents (for the car lending) for making this visit happen.

Visit with Nana, Sept 2014
Side note – a small highlight of our trip was when we had a happy hour beer in the local pub in Owen Sound (which appeared to actually be called The Pub) and overheard one of the regular patrons chastising the bartender for overfilling his drink glass with the phrase, “Whoa girl, don’t go putting all of Niagara falls into that drink“. #hyperlocal
PS – when was the last time you used a rotary phone?

Old School