SO, we’re back in Florida, and are trying to get caught up on photos/etc. now that we have Wifi again (the irony is that the Wifi at this marina sucks)
Here are a few photos from the last month or two in the Bahamas, including an awesome family visit!

Storm front approaching, anchored at Big Majors (with no engine)

“The night is dark and full of terrors”

Still adorable, even as the front approaches

Might as well have a good laugh


Rich neighbors with toys.

Anticipating the arrival of my broski

Lil’ lady

BROOOOTHERRRRR! Slash Jetsetter slash private plane

So pumped he’s here!

First beer behind Ida’s laundromat…Andrew seemed pretty stoked (and surprised by how nice the water was). SUCCESS!

Various modes of transportation to pick up guests at the airport

…annnnnd and empty waiting room.

Parents arrival! Victory #2!

Mom n’ pops going for their first beach walk in Black Point

Caitie n’ a Kalik

View from the cottage with our busted golf cart in the foreground

Look at that smile, m-I-right?

Wally’s lovin’ it.

Scorpio’s happy hour – watch out for those 2-for-1 rum punches!

The rum punches take effect :)

I think Dad’s beard got longer during the visit

Saying goodbyes at the Black Point airport (yes, that yellow building is the airport)